Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Funny Faces !

We are drawing our faces . We are  drawing around a circle shape.

Aaron is showing us how to paint the circles with different coloured face paints .

We are drawing funny faces !

Aaron is showing us how to blow the dye to make funny shaped hair . This was lots of fun.
Tomorrow Mrs Loudon will put our art work on out blog .


  1. Dear R15, I can't wait to see your art work. I think I would like to paint by blowing through a straw - that would be fun. Could you show me how to do it?
    from Mrs Torrie

    1. Dear Mrs Torrie, When you blow with a straw be careful not to suck up the dye or get it one your Awapuni uniform.
      Can you please help Mrs Loudon put our photos of room 15 wizzing around on our class blog.
      From Room 15

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Room 15,

    You looked like you were all having fun at the museum. What great listeners you were when Aaron was explaining to you how to do your pictures. Are you going to put your pictures up in your classroom? I will have to come and look at them if you do.
    From Mrs. Lowry

    1. Dear Mrs Lowry , Yes we had lots of fun at the museum . We are going to help Mrs loudon put our funny pictures up in the class room . we would really like you to come and have a look at our paintings and us making funny faces. Thankyou for looking at our blog .
      From Room 15
