Thursday, November 28, 2013

Simon says

We are going to learn this song at 
school tomorrow! 
We have a reading book called "Simon says".

Dad song

Here is a fun song to sing with your family. 

What is your favourite song you sing together as a family?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Student Led conference invitation time !

Tomorrow we will be bringing home our 
student led conference invitations .  

What time are you coming to my 
student led conference?

We love writing !

Here are some photos of Room 15 writers! They are writing special stories for their student led conferences! 

Room 15 parents will find out what their child was writing about  when they come for their student led conference!

What do you like writing about ?

New boy in Room 15

Here is a photo of Awa. We love having Awa in Room 15 . He knows all about school.

Do you know who is starting school next Monday ?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's swimming time !

Swimming time on PhotoPeach

Awapuni school calendar

Thursday, November 21, 2013

10 Frame flash

Room 15 are getting really quick at recognising patterns on the 10 frames!
How quick are you ?

performing at the kapahaka festival

Performing at the kapahaka festival on PhotoPeach

Off to the kapa haka festival

off to the kapa Haka Festival on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy learners

Happy learners on PhotoPeach

Happy birthday Video

Here is a video of the children sing happy birthday to Q bear.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

10 Frame rap

We are going to make our own set of ten frames to play with our friends and family tomorrow.
Here is a video to help you know the pattern, numeral and word . Have fun!

 Can you draw the patterns and write the numerals . How can you show 46?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Q Bear 's birthday card

Q Bear was really happy to get a birthday card from Room 15 at our Awapuni school assembly last Friday.

Do you get birthday cards on your birthday?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

only 45 viewings of blog to go !

Thankyou to all the people from around the world who have been viewing our Fabulous Room fifteen blog.

How long will it take until we reach 4,000?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Only one more sleep !

Room 15 has been counting down
 on the calendar !
You will have to look again our our blog tomorrow to see the photos . I wonder if they will get a birthday certificate at the school assembly on Friday.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quess who won the Awapuni Enviro school ?

YEAH !!! It was Room 15 ! The senior children said they were impressed with the way we kept our class area nice and tidy
 and put the shoes in 2's .
How do you keep your environment nice and tidy ?

room 15 Mural Video

Friday, November 8, 2013

Milk mathematics!

Each morning, our milk is delivered to us in a box .
We are learning lots of maths each day when our milk arrives in Room 15. Torrin is counting how many columns there are.
What happens if Mrs Loudon turns the carton around ? How many columns will there be then? 
How many ways can you count the milk . 
We will have enough milk for all the children!
How many children in the class?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Letter formation

Hand writing on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Letter sound song

We love singing this alphabet song 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Who is turning 6 tomorrow?

Some one is turning 6 tomorrow in Room 15?

Have a look on Q Bears calendar to see who it is ?
This person is someone who is a fabulous learner!

Have you got any suggestions for Q Bear's birthday Please write to us and tell us !

Learning numbers video

Here is a video to help you form numerals correctly .

Monday, November 4, 2013

Kavarn and his nana.

Here is a photo of kavarn and his nana.

We love listening to stories.

Q Bear's birthday

Q Bear is having a birthday soon ! 

How many days until Q Bear's birthday?
What could we do to celebrate QBear's birthday ?
Do you know how old Q bear is going to be ?

story time in Room 15

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Singing with Kavarn's nana

What   songs do you like singing with
 your family/grandparents ?

Playing "Rob the nest "

Playing "Rob the nest" on PhotoPeach