Thursday, March 21, 2013

How many children are at school today ?

We love sitting in our 2  10 frame mats .
How many ways could the children sit to make patterns to 10 on the 10 frames?


  1. Wow look at those fabulous awapuni mat manners. I wonder if Eve and I came for a visit how many people you would have on each mat? From Sarah Whitley.

    1. if you put four children on one mat and six children on the mat how many children will be at school today. from Anaru Ps Maria older brother

    2. We have 3 children on one mat and 7 children on the other mat !
      we have 10 children in our class today.

    3. Dear Anaru , Thankyou for coming into Room 15 today . We counted the children sitting on our 2 10 frames . We have 10 children - 4 on one mat and 6 on the other mat.
