Thursday, October 31, 2013

Counting in 2's

We are learning to count in 2 's 

Here is a video to help you!

What things do you count in 2's ?

Here is some photos of the children building in 2's.

How many blocks are there in each group ?
How many ways could you count the blocks?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

skeleton song !

Here is a fun song about bones ! 
Drinking milk makes our bones strong !

How many bones can you name ?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Milk stories by Room 15

Room 15 children ( 5 year olds) wrote such fabulous stories about drinking milk so I thought
I would type them out to share with the
 whole wide world!

I like milk . - Jayden

I like drinking milk because it makes your bones strong.
Emma Lee

I like drinking milk. It will make me strong.-Sharelle

I like drinking cold milk because it is yummy.-Kavarn

I like milk. It is yummy . Merearihi

I like milk. I like the taste. It si yummy.-Braedyn

I like milk to grow and to learn. It is yummy.-Isabelle

I like milk. It makes me strong.-Mak

I like milk. It makes me healthy for my bones.-LeRoy

I like drinking milk.It tastes yummy.-Torrin

I like drinking milk . I want milk forever because it has calcium for my bones. It makes me strong.-Oliver

I like drinking milk. It is delicious. -Layla

I love milk because it makes me healthy.-Fraser

I like to drink milk. I drink milk at home for my breakfast. I like milk because it makes my bones grow-Jonah 

What do you like the best about drinking milk?
please leave us a comment .

Milk In Room 15

Milk in Room 15 on PhotoPeach

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Who is getting a certificate today ?

Friday certificates in Room 15 by Slidely - Slideshow maker

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Awapuni Kids

What else does an Awapuni kid do ?

Hand writing

Hand writing on PhotoPeach

Monday, October 21, 2013

Put on your H-a-t !

I'm going to put on my hat -h-a-t
Im going to put on my hat just like that 
I 'm going to put on my hat h-a-t,
 so I won't get burnt so easily!

Sing the song with your family !
Look at the hats we made at school today. In term 4 we must wear our yellow sunhats everyday.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yellow sun hats

All children need to bring their Awapuni yellow sun hats to school each day 
this term. We want all children to
 be sun safe.

Here is a song about hats . 
Enjoy singing along with your family !

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Working together

Quade, David , Jayden and Braedyn are working together
 to make a very long bean stalk. They then had fun balancing along the stalk !
What do you like  building with the blocks at school ?

Pacific celebrations

Being Pacific celebrations on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bean planting

Planting beans on PhotoPeach

Monday, October 14, 2013

5 steps!

Room 15 children are very good at managing themselves before school. I think they are the best in the world .

New children in Room 15

Look who started school today !
Welcome to Room 15 Braedyn.
 You had a great first day !

Welcome to Room 15 Jayden. 
You had a great day at school.

I wonder who our next new five year old will be ? I think it might be Mak's cousin !

Kind student

Layla is the kind student of the week . Her mum and sister were at Assembly and saw Layla go up on stage to receive her certificate!

Who will get the Kind certificate next Monday?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How did you use mathematics in the holidays?

I have been thinking how many times I have used maths during the holidays ..
# how many days until I go back to school?
# I''ll be meeting my friend for coffee at 2pm 
# what time shall I leave to get there on time?
# I need 15 new trees to replace the ones that have died
# Does my Kumera weigh 90 grams?
# How many tablespoons of yoghurt will I measure out?
# How many tubs of petunias will I need to buy . There are 6 flowers in each tub . I wanted to plant 3 plants in each patch Each tub cost $2.50

Please write in the comments part how you have used maths during the holidays?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

our finished mural

We are very proud of our mural. We love learning . Can you see Q Bear ?