Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fun at the Junior Playscape

Fun at the Junior Playscape on PhotoPeach

photographers of the day !

Torrin and Sophyra as the class photographers on PhotoPeach

spring flowers

Spring flowers by Fraser on PhotoPeach

Murals Day 4

Room 15's mural is nearly finished !
Here are some photos to show you what we did today!

Some one else  has painted their face ? I wonder who it is .


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Class photographers

Class photographers!! on PhotoPeach

Mural making 2

Murals day 2 on PhotoPeach

Monday, September 23, 2013

Counting faces !

Our Mural .... Day 1

Designing our Mural .... day 1 on PhotoPeach

using ICT

David  and LeRoy are using technology  to find out what wood pigeons eat!
They went to Youtube to find the information they needed 

Room 15 artists

school Calendars on PhotoPeach

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Look who came to visit us today !

Do you know who this is ?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Someone special

Some one special is visiting us tomorrow!
I wonder who it will be.

You will have to  come back to our blog tomorrow to see the photos !

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quade's building

Look what Quade made!

Beautiful Kowhai

We learnt today that Tuis love the nectar in
 the kowhai flowers.

Story time

After lunch we lie on the floor and listen to Mrs Loudon reading us a chapter book called "The magic finger", by Roald Dahl. We all laughed when the child pointed the magic finger at the teacher and it made the teacher grow long black whiskers and a cat's tail ! I hope it doesn't happen to Mrs Loudon !

Taking photos of our learning

Jonah and Fabian took photos of each other and the patterns they made.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Learners in Room 15

working as a team

Learning in Room 15

Here are some photos of some of the things the 
children did at school today.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Look what has happened to our egg?

Look who is peeping out of the egg?

Playing with the camera

Sharron has been playing with our new camera!

Going to the Museum

We are off to the Musuem on PhotoPeach

Planting seeds

Planting sunflowers on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fun with our camera

Look what our new camera will
 do with photos!


Egg -Day 2

Look what has happened to our egg! The crack got bigger with a little help from a child !
What will the photo look like tomorrow ?

Lucas, the learner!

Look at Lucas. He is learning to write went. Lucas can put the words in a sentence. "We went to the shop"

Mak the footballer !

Monday, September 9, 2013

What"s in the egg?

Mrs Loudon bought an egg to school today . We had to think what might be inside the egg? Some children thought there might be a dinosaur , others thought it might be a kiwi and some thought it might be a pukeko . We put the egg in water. Tomorrow we are going to estimate how many days it will take to hatch !

The egg is in the water.I wonder what will happen ! We are going to take a photo each day to show you what happens!


Isabelle got a kind certificate this morning for being the learning kind . She has been practicing her writing before school.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Practicing my writing before school

Who is going to write a story before school tomorrow?